This page allows users to access and view the documents that make up the
draft Tulare County Background Report. Documents can be viewed from this
window by left clicking the appropriate icon, or you can save the files to a
local drive by right clicking the file icon. Depending on
your computer setup, your screen may not change while the file is
File sizes for each section are shown next to the section title.
Download speed will vary depending on your connection. As an
example, on a 56K dial-up connection, it will take about 2.5
minutes per 1.0Mb.
open these files, you must have Adobe Acrobat loaded on your
computer. This is a free download that can be obtained by clicking
on the following icon (make sure you have an active internet connection
before clicking). 
Part 1
(101K) |
Part 2(9061K) |
Part 3(6207K) |
Part 4(2345K) |
Part 5(3508K) |
Appendicies(4409K) |